Thursday, June 18, 2009

My name is Jodie

So it's out! Our princess has a name. Her name is Jodie! It took 5 months of squabbling with the hubby before we came up with her name. Hubby had high standards for her future daughter. Like her chinese name which is still in the process of naming, needs to be the perfect name in his point of view.

After 5 months, one fine day, hubby informs me that he wants to name OUR child after him. He was going to name her Josephine because it was his name. Oh blimey. The man has too big an ego.

The next day in the car, I told him that I'll meet him half way. He can't use the whole name Josephine but I'm willing to have part of the name in it. After much thought, with a toothpick in his mouth. Hubby surprises me.. "Let's call her Jody!" So I said " J.O.D.Y?" "No!" he insist. "J.O.D.I.E!" smiles at his own accomplishment.

So there, that's how we came up with her name.

Now we need to come up with her chinese name which hubby is keeping me in suspense. He will only reveal 5 potential names when he comes up with all 5 while seeking toilet inspiration. So far, there's only 4 names. Sigh....


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